The bottom table is a list of the equivalences between the models of radio receivers produced from the KENNEDY and the MAGNADYNE.  Understood often in fact  to find absolutely identical receivers made from different constructors.

92K SV18
93K SV19
97K SV37 - SV38
98K SV40
230K S23
240K - M826 22 - S24
250K - M903 S102 - S103
306K SV15
310K S31
320K S32
376K SV76
390K - M906 S106
415K M15
421K S21
450K SV45
428K S28
471K S171
456K SV54
473K S173
472K S172
540K SV45
495K S95
542KF S107F
541K - M907 S107
551K S51
546K SV46
553K SV53
552K SV52
556K SV56
560K S175
581K FM4
661K SV61
663K SV63
668K SV78
705K SV74
751K SV87
777K SV77
779K SV79
959K SV59
812M S12
814M S11
821M S21
917M S109
945M S845


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