This section will be helpful you to discover
wich part of this web site has been recently updated. It is like
an "history" of the website. If you are searching for something
of new it's enough to read this page without any loss of time.
January, 21 2013
In the "Other
Collections" section some important and rare radio
from Alvaro Icolari was added.
October, 25 2013
In the "My
Collection" section a new amplifier has been added,
a Geloso G213A.
October, 21 2013
In the "Geloso
equipments" a new Geloso receiver was added, a naval
set G4-214.
September, 18 2013
In the "Old Componts"
a pair of new EIMAC trasmitter tubes has been added, one 3CX3000
and one 8676.
August, 28 2013
In the "My
Collection" section a new instrument has been added,
a tube voltmeter "Meter" model 130.
January, 10 2013
In the "My
Collection" section a new radioreceiver was added,
a nice little Philco model 37-602
April, 17 2012
In the "My
Collection" section a new radioreceiver was added,
a Minerva 465-1
October, 6 2011
Made a general site restyling.
June, 14 2011
In the "My
Collection" section a new radioreceiver was added,
it is a His Master Voice 1231
December, 14 2010
In the "My
Collection" section a new radioreceiver was added,
it is a Radio Allocchio Bacchini 528M.
November, 04 2010
In the "Geloso
equipments" a new, very nice, Geloso GTV1014 television
has been added.
September, 15 2010
In the "My
Collection" section a new instrument device was added,
a UNA (UNAOHM) sweep-marker, the EP 615B model.
August, 31 2010
In the "Geloso
equipments" a new wonderful receiver was added, a
great Geloso G202C, a complete PA system.
June, 06 2010
In the "My
Collection" section a new radioreceiver was added,
a NORDMENDE ELEKTRA 58, a nice little radio.
February , 22 2010
In the "My
Collection" section a new, curious, French receiver
"Radio Agences - Nizza" was added.
November, 19 2009
In the "My
Collection" section a new little, nice Radiomarelli
130 radio was added.
November, 6 2009
Complete site restyling, new graphical
layout, new pictures, now the frames has been removed, improved
both the Guest Book and Market Places sections too.
February, 23 2009
In the "My
Collection" section a new Graetz
Comedia radio was added.
February, 6 2009
In the "Geloso
equipments" some new magnetic tape and wire recorders
has been added.
June, 10 2008
In the "My
Collection" a very niceful receiver has been added,
it is a Philips Super Inductance model 736A, a set from
April, 21 2008
In the "My
Collection" a pair of new radioreceivers has been
added, a DUCRETET and a GERUFON.
August, 20 2007
In the "My
Collection" a new private radio collection has been
June, 31 2006
In the "My
Collection" SRE Tube tester" a tip was added.
It is a simple indication to avoid noisy auto oscillation of the
tube under testing.
June, 1 2006
In the "My
Collection" two new radio were added. They are a
Radiomarelli RD231 ad a nice Magnadyne SV59,
May, 3 2006
In the "Geloso
equipments" a new great TV set has been added, it
is a Geloso G1528
July, 28 2005
In the "Geloso
equipments" five new magnetic tape recorders pictures
has been added.
June, 26 2005
In the "My
Collection" section a new, nice private collection
picture gallery was added.
May 3 2005
In the "My
Collection" section a new NORDMENDE
FIDELIO 3D radio was added.
November 8 2004
In the The Radio Show.-case
some other nice pictures were added.
May 6 2004
In the "My
Collection" section - Laboratoriers instruments a Scuola
Radio Elettra tube tester was added. This equipment was sold
in kit with the "Radio Stero Transistors" course in the
beginning of the '70.
October 18 2003
In the "My
Collection" section the UNAOHM G45 scope was
added. It's an old all-tubes 5 inch oscilloscope, 1Mhz of bandwith
and mono track.
September 5 2003
In the Tubes HI-FI amplifier and Geloso
sections there are new entry while in the schematic diagrams pages
some other schematics were added, now there are more than 500 diagrams
February 24 2003
The NEW section "Geloso
equipments" has been added in the website. Here you can
find only Geloso devices such as radioreceivers, tape recorders
or audio amplifiers..
February 17 2003
Inside the "Schematic
Diagrams" section more schematics has been added. The entire
part of this page has been graphically repainted to obtain a better
January 3rd 2003
All the
pages has been transferred on a new server. This in order to improve
the site speed and connectivity. A new receiver has been added to
the collection section: it's a Telefunken T531.
November 10 2002
Inside the "Collection" section a Frequency
Generator and a new receiver (Geloso G503) was added. The generator
is a laboratory instrument I built in the 1977 with a Scuola Radio
Elettra training course...
November 5 2002
The section of the "Radiopistoia's market-place"
has been added to my website. Here you can leave your advertisements
about spare parts searching, radioreceivers exchange and so on..
September 30 2002
The Geloso G185 radioreceiver
has been added in the collection section.
April 27 2002
Inside the "Devices from the
past" section has been added the DY97 vacuum tube.
April 8 2002
Inside the "collection" section
has been added the new Philips BX632A, a receiver build about in
the 1950. This receiver works with 3 OM bands plus the FM.
March 11 2002
A new radio set has been added
in the collection section. A Radiomarelli 10A05 I had bought some
weeks ago, now perfectly restored. Some others pictures were added
in the "The radio Showcase" section too.
January 29 2002
At this date the home page layout
of Radiopistoia-Radiocorriere was completly changed, improved with
a great FLASH presentation.
January 2 2002
A great restyling of the website has been
made. Now the "Radio showcase" is online, new picture were added,
new texts, more info in the "Tube data" section and.. much more.
December 22 2001
Now the site is able to autodetect
and setting the right video resolution, both 800*600 and 1024*768
pixels. The new domain name has been registered,
this in order to obtain a greater visibiliy in Italy. You can reach
the new domain just on:
November 24 2001
A new background image has been introduced,
this look more "vintage" and now during the scroll of the pages
the background doesn't move with the text. A new picture has been
added in the "Pistoia"section.
October 24 2001
The link section has been updated, now you
can see the link name and a little preview image. The site map funciont
has been added too. All the pictures of my radio collection (front
view) are new.
September 23 2001
Updated the "My little collection" section
with a new Radio Allocchio Bacchini. This receiver has been bought
one week ago in Lucca (Tuscany).
June 18 2001
The new "Pictures from the past"
section has been added. The old section "Info" has been moved inside
the "Little presentazion" item.
June 5 2001
The home page backgroung image
has been updated. Some pictures were added into the "Pistoia" section.
May, 7 2001
Updated the link section, with
a different graphic look, and with the description of the languages
available online.
March, 26 2001
Added to the collection the
my new Marconiphone 296, with detailed views and other.
March, 20 2001
Added the pictures of the CNIT's
vintage radios exhibition in Pisa (Italy).
March, 3 2001
Added the tubes data section.
(As the schematic diagrams section)
February, 26 2001
Added the Telefunken Gavotte
to my collection.
February, 17 2001
Added this section the
"Site History" to Radiopistoia in italian and english too. Inside
the "Component from the past" the 6E5GT magic eye was added.
February, 10 2001
Inside the "Components from
the past" the internal view of the EL 34 pentode has been added.
February, 5 2001
Let's Go ! The new access
counter to the home page has been initialized, and the registration
inside the major search engines has been performed. (Altavista,
Yahoo, Google, Excite, Lycos, Hotbot)
Now Radiopistoia is viewable worldwide !
February, 1 2001
All the new pages, pictures
has benn uploaded inside the new server. All links has been checked.
January, 10 2001
Starts the site development,
restyling and programming for the guest book and comments section.
December 30 2000
The host
name has been registered, Setup of the new server for the hosting.