This section has been realyzed to contain only pictures and informations about Geloso equipments. Geloso was a (past) great italian manufacturer which during the 40' to 60' built a large quantity of radioreceivers, tape recorders and PA amplifiers. Many models was created during this time, unfortunatly this company closed its activity across the 1970.. Here you can find (or leave) a little bit of story of this great company Why leave? Because if you have some nice pictures of Geloso equipments you can send them to me, they will be surely added in this gallery.. In the top picture the "father" of all this, John Geloso.

An interesting biography of John Geloso is downloadable HERE (proprerty of Leo)

Geloso was not only a manufacturer, it was a technical magazine publisher too. Infact each three months the "Bollettino Tecnico Geloso" was printed and distribuited in many Italian electronic shops. In this little book (20-25 pages ab.) all the new produtcs was published with its characteristics, technical data, pictures, tips and various informations. If you like to take a look to one of these bullettin, more exactly the number 65 of the summer 1956 you can easly click HERE. Please note that the book is in italian language only, is encoded in PDF format (so Acrobat Reader is required) and that the file size is 10Mb


Click on the picture to enlarge itOn the left a nice picture of a rare Geloso banner, it was given to the most importan service centers.

(foto courtesy of Mattia

Remember that in this section too you can click on each picture to enlarge it..

Radioreceivers and Tuners

Radioreceiver Geloso G4-214 naval
Click on the picture to enlarge it
Photo: courtesy of Claudio

This great receiver was produced for Naval purposed. The original Geloso technical bulletin is available HERE

Radioreceiver Geloso G110
Click on the picture to enlarge it
Photo: courtesy of Giuseppe Antonio

This is the first bedside table radioreceiver built by Geloso.

Radioreceiver Geloso G309
Click on the picture to enlarge it
Photo: courtesy of Giuseppe Antonio

Little and nice receiver, very similar to the upper model but with the DM70 magic eyes. (tuning indicator).

P.A. system G202C
Click on the picture to enlarge it
Photo: courtesy of Vanni - Italy

A simply wonderful, BIG P.A. System, used years ago to sonoryze rooms like shops, markets and other public spaces.

Radioreceiver Geloso G532
Click on the picture to enlarge it
Photo: courtesy of Mattia - Italy

A nice FM tuner.

Radioreceiver Geloso G324R
Click on the picture to enlarge it
Photo: courtesy of Carlo IK1WKS (Ventimiglia) - Italy

A tuner, its schematic is avaiable clicking here

Radioreceiver Geloso G324R
Click on the picture to enlarge it
Photo: courtesy of Silvano (Perugia) - Italy

A nice wood cabinet Geloso radioreceiver. It's a five short waves bands and one in medium waves. The magic eye is a 6E5GT tube. The total number of tubes is 6.


Radioreceiver Geloso G331
Click on the picture to enlarge it
Photo: courtesy of Gianni  (Rome)

As you can see from the picture this is a classic '60 receiver with the front band selector realyzed with white squared keys. This kind of switches was call "horse teeth" too, proper for its shape.


Radioreceiver Geloso G142
Click on the picture to enlarge it
Photo: courtesy of Gianni  (Rome)

Great receiver with a very nice wood cabinet. In the top there is a turntable. This radio receives two bands (MW-SW) and there is a magic eyes on the left side of the tuning scale.


Radioreceiver Geloso G516
Click on the picture to enlarge it
Photo: courtesy of Marco  (Turin)

Another great (as dimension as characteristics) receiver from the '50 about. Always with a nice wood cabinet and a large tuning scale. In this receiver there is a turntable under the top cover too.


Radioreceiver Geloso G185
Click on the picture to enlarge it
From my collection

A receiver that you can see with more details in the "My Collection". This infact is part of my collection.


Radioreceiver Geloso G503
Click on the picture to enlarge it
From my collection

Receiver built in the 1950 about, is in the "My Collection" section too.


Magnetic tape recorders

Wire recorders G241 G242N
Clicca sulla immagine per ingrandirla
Photo: courtesy of Andrea (Gaggiano)

Nice tris of historical wire recorders

Wire recorder Geloso G242
Clicca sulla immagine per ingrandirla
Photo: courtesy of i Andrea (Gaggiano)

Another wire recorder, with its original microphone too.

Tape Recorder Geloso G250N
Clicca sulla immagine per ingrandirla
Photo: courtesy of i Andrea (Gaggiano)

Great open reel tape recorder. To better understand how the technology is improved click HERE to view a picture of a monster AMPEX a 16 tracks and verify how high is a 1inch tape.

Wire recorder Geloso RM180
Clicca sulla immagine per ingrandirla
Photo: courtesy of Piero (Prato - Italy)

A wonderful WIRE recorder, build from Geloso in a limitate serie for the RAI company.
The RAI is the TV national broadcast company (Like the BBC for england..)


Tape Recorder Geloso G680
Clicca sulla immagine per ingrandirla
Photo: courtesy of Carmine (Rome - Italy)

All solid state tape recorder, built about at the end of '70. It was the last one with the colored operating keys put on the right side of the cabinet.


Tape Recorder Geloso G681
Clicca sulla immagine per ingrandirla
Photo: courtesy of Graziano  (Nuoro - Italy)

This model is about the similar of the G680 displayed above.

Tape Recorder Geloso G540 Vanguard
Clicca sulla immagine per ingrandirla
Photo: courtesy of Graziano  (Nuoro - Italy)

This could be the little brother of the top displayed model, the G681. In this one there isn't the tape speed knob and the tone control.

Tape Recorder Geloso G541 Vanguard
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Photo: courtesy of Graziano  (Nuoro - Italy)

Tape recorder about the same of the model G540, without great modifications.

Tape Recorder Geloso G268
Clicca sulla immagine per ingrandirla
Photo: courtesy of Graziano  (Nuoro - Italy)

One of the most ancient model, all tubes made, with a magic eye used as recording volume indicator. Note the "old style" design, of the microphone base too.

Download the schematic HERE

Tape Recorder Geloso G570
Clicca sulla immagine per ingrandirla
Photo: courtesy of Graziano  (Nuoro - Italy)

All solid state recorder, kept in perfect conditions, complete of microphone set too.

Tape recorder Geloso G600
Click on the picture to enlarge it
Photo: courtesy of Biagio  (Turin - Italy)

Magnetic tape recorder model G600 kept in very good conditions. You can see the dynamic microphone and on the right the impedance adapter. With this device you can connect the input of this recorder directly to any radioceiver loudspeaker, this  in order to recording the audio directly without noise.

Tape recorder Geloso G258
Click on the picture to enlarge it
Photo: courtesy of Nolan  (Brasil)

All-tubes magnetic tape recorder built about in the 1960. Heir of the G255 model from this one it inherit the funny colored functions keyboard, the velocity control knob but more in general the components layout. It was a great "high fidelity" tape recorder used for the speech and the music too.

Tape recorder Geloso G255
Click on the picture to enlarge it
From my collection

Great (little!) tape recorder, one of the most famous and sold models. Due to its small dimensions it was called "Gelosino". It works only with two (2) tubes (12AX7 and UL41) and the magic eyes DM70. You can see with more details in the"My Collection" section.

Tape recorder Geloso G256
Click on the picture to enlarge it
Photo: courtesy of Nolan  (Brasil)

This tape recorder is an hybrid from the G255 and the G258, with the same functions keyboard and part of the internal mechanism  but with a different electronic project.

Tape recorder Geloso G600
Click on the picture to enlarge it
Photo: courtesy of Nolan  (Brasil)

In the next years the external shapes of this tape recorders was designed more "squared", now are in the 1960 about and inside this devices the transistors starts its presence.

Tape recorder Geloso G257 "silver"
Click on the picture to enlarge it
Photo: courtesy of Nolan  (Brasil)

Another nice tape recorder, a "silver" model. Similar keyboard and internal circuitry.

Click on the picture to enlarge it
Photo: courtesy of Nolan  (Brasil)

Detailed view of the Geloso G257 descrived above. In the left top you can see the magic eye, a DM70 mini tube used as recording indicator.

Tape recorder Geloso G651
Click on the picture to enlarge it
Photo: courtesy of Nolan  (Brasil)

First all-transistors magnetic tape recorder. This was the last one tape reel produced by the Geloso. Infact in these years the Philips company produced the first "compact cassette" recorder, where the magnetic tape was close inside a little plasic box. These "compact cassette" are the same that we use today example for the car radio tape receivers. The open reel recorders will be used only in professional audio applications.


TV sets

TV set Geloso GTV1012 Click on the picture to enlarge it
Photo: courtesy of Mattia (Italy)

First Geloso TV set equipped with a 21' CRT.

TV set Geloso GTV1014 Click on the picture to enlarge it
Photo: courtesy of Valentino ( Milan - Italy)

Nice TV set, very similar to the bottom one, it works perfectly with clear pictures. Very good wood restoration too.

TV set Geloso GTV959Click on the picture to enlarge it
Photo: courtesy of Andrea ( Malonno - Italy)

Wonderful Geloso TV receiver, a perfect restoration from Andrea (Italy). Note that during the recapping all capacitors has been replaced putting the new ones inside the old original enclosure!

- tv set Geloso GTV1014 (chassis GTV959)
- CRT 21 inch 70°
- 21 tubes plus CRT
- two loudspeakers
- size 68 x 64 x 60
- total weight kg 42.4 (!!!)

TV set Geloso G1528 
Click on the picture to enlarge it
Photo courtesy of Giulio (Fossano - Italy)

A great, wonderful ALL WOOD CABINET tv set, built in december, 1954. The display is a 17 inch with 70 degrees of deflection. Clicking on the picture you will see some nice internal pics.


Power amplifiers and preamplifiers

Geloso G213A amplifier
Click on the picture to enlarge it
From my collection

This is the minor brother of the bottom displayed G250, still however a great PA amplifier.

Its schematic is available here

Geloso G232-HF amplifier
Click on the picture to enlarge it
Photo: courtesy of Mattia- Italy

This is a quite rare Amplifier, an EL34 push-pull

Geloso G260A amplifier
Click on the picture to enlarge it
Photo: courtesy of Carlo IK1WKS (Ventimiglia) - Italy

Great amplifier, a push pull of 807, with a power output of 50W

Geloso G203HF amplifier
Click on the picture to enlarge it
Photo: courtesy of Fulvio (Italy)
Click on the picture to enlarge it
Photo: courtesy of Fulvio (Italy)

Little amplifier, perhaps the littlest of the Geloso production. Behind on the picture is possible view the two trasformers (power and output), placed at 90 degrees one from other, this to minimize noise or hum.


Geloso G226A amplifier
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Photo: courtesy of Antonello  (Italy)

Picture of this great all integrated power amplifier. You can see on the right the 5Y3 rectifier.

Geloso G3262A amplifier
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Photo: courtesy of Antonello  (Italy)

This is a push pull medium power amplifier. In this picture you can see it with the external protection grid removed.

Click on the picture to enlarge it
Photo: courtesy of Antonello  (Italy)

Same model of amplifier but with the protection grid over the chassis.

Geloso G213A amplifier
Click on the picture to enlarge it
Photo: courtesy of Antonello  (Italy)

Other amplifier, a push pull of 6V6GT. Note the BIG power transformer on the behind of the chassis. All these amplifiers pictures are token with the top protection grid removed, this for more clarity.

Geloso G244A amplifier
Click on the picture to enlarge it
Photo: courtesy of Antonello  (Italy)

This is a little amplifier without the preamplifier section that is on another chassis. This is a stereo equipment.

Geloso G211A amplifier
Click on the picture to enlarge it
Photo: courtesy of Antonello  (Italy)
Push pull amplifier with a pair of 6V6GT. On the right you can see the 5Y3 rectifier.


PA Tuner Geloso G1522 
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Photo: courtesy of Mattia (Milan)

Wonderful receiver/amplifier used in the middle of 50' for PA pourpuses.

Tuner- Amplifier Geloso G1528-C
Click on the picture to enlarge it
Photo: courtesy of Vito  (Chieti - Italy)

A great public adressing (P.A.) amplifier with a SW-MW-LW-FM integrated tuner produced in the early '70. It is one of the last components made by Geloso. Unfortunatly the quality of this picture is low, but the "look" is always good !. Its REAL output power is about 35W. The power stage uses a push pull of EL34.

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