Hi! My name is Pierluigi,
I was born in Genova, but actually I live in Pistoia since 1968.
Pistoia is a little town in Tuscany about 25 miles far from Florence.
Due to my job my knowledge about computers is wide-range. I develop
web sites too under Linux and Windows servers, making
the CGI scripts in Perl.
All the programs you can
find inside this website, as "Guest Book", "How to contact me",
"Schematic requests" , "The Radiopistoia Market Place" are developed
by me in Perl,
this because this programming language is very powerful and into
Unix servers works fine. My hobby about old radios, radioceceivers
and vacuum tubes devices was born many years ago when casually,
I tried to repair a very old radioreceiver for a friend of mine.
It's funny to repair this old devices, restoring its wood cabinet
and making troubleshooting. After this first experience many others
radio was restored by me...