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Builder Philips
Model Super Inductande 736
Year 1934
Bands LW - MW
Tubes Yet to catalog

Superinductance system

Power 110-220 Vca
Size 40 x 42 x 22
Power audio tube WE30
Magic eye Not present

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Detailed view of the dial scale, without names of the stations, only numbers, like in all the receivers built before the 1940.

Rear view of the very heavy chassis, note the pink IF transfomers and its shield.

Front view of the reciver, the dial scale in the center and the tube top socket, shielded it too.

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Bottom view of the chassis, note the great precision in the wiring and the ground shields.

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The back panel, quite a little broken but in good conditions, note that when removing it the AC plug disconnect the power from the receiver.

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Detailed view of the furniture restoration, the old aspect is made with some alchol components and many patience..

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Look at how the alchol painture is performed on the receiver.

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Final view of the receiver, when all the restorations has been made.



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